Creating a blog and building a brand as a software developer.
Software Developer’s Identity
In order to build a reputation as a software developer consistent blog posts are essential to build an identity. This is the main reason I have started jsdiaries.
Although I have to admit, this is something that I originally couldn’t comprehend. How will building a blog boost my career in software development? Well providing useful information not only benefits readers of your blog but also gives the blogger the opportunity to learn by teaching. The more content researched the more likely it is that you have learned more and built a stronger brand in the process.
This is my intention with this blog – to provide consistent content on the latest technologies focused on but not limited to JavaScript frontend libraries. I hope to bring the reader’s attention to some useful tools and news along the way and to also publish development updates from my own personal projects.
This plan I have created for jsdiaries came from following John Somez’s How to Create a Blog to Boost Your Career course.
His email course provides the stepping stones for a developer to create a blog like this. His course takes place over 3 weeks and an email with information on how to create a blog for software development is sent every Monday and Thursday. If you want to sign up just click below.
The emails are very direct and concise on how to create a platform like this to build a brand and identity. The most impressive byproduct of this course is that software developers that are in the exact same position with their blog can network together and support the growth of each other. John has enabled this by featuring all the bloggers that finish his email course on his website Simple Programmer linked below.
Its a simple but effective way of boosting his own reputation while simultaneously helping to grow the careers of other developers.
I also hope to bring on guest bloggers to collaborate and create guest posts. I would hope this would broaden the perspective on some topics and get some more in depth technical and practical posts on latest JS technologies. I hope to feature Angular 2 and Vue.js in my upcoming content. Although this is a Javascript focused blog sometimes a JS library will be combined and featured with other languages such as C#. This is to create a broader focus on how some JS libraries are used with some other Object Oriented languages. New content will be featured every Sunday/Monday so be sure to check it out and comment and the blog will be sure to expand with features such as email subscriptions.